Date Squares

  1. 4c chopped dates, 1c water, 1 1/2 T frozen conc orange juice,1/2 T lemon juice – simmer dates in water til soft and thick (may need more water) Then add juices
  2. Blend together – 1 3/4 c almond flour, 1 3/4 c large oats, 1/2c quick oats 1 1/2 t baking powder, 1/2t baking soda 1/2t salt, 1/2t cinnamon
  3. Melt 1 c butter (option – 1/2 cocnut oil),  and mix with 1/3 c maple syrup
  4. Mix 2 and 3 together and put  alittle more than half of mixture in 11 x 13 pan, add date layer and rest oat mix on top
  5. Bake 350 about 35 min 

These are estimations  – can be adjusted  if desired 








































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